There once was a crass POTUS rascal
As false as a smooth Eddie Haskell
His gift for sleek gab
Drove true hee-haws mad
For Trump's disfranchised debacle
There once was a Prez had ‘em suckered
At powwows where assholes got puckered
They raved at his rants
Lubed up for romance
Getting fucked in the butts until tuckered
There once was a POTUS so vile
His ass crack looked just like a smile
His politic cronies
And billionaire phonies
Hauled Trump to the top by a mile
There once was a mean POTUS bully
Who fashioned himself wild and woolly
His shoot ‘em up days
In the populist craze
Gave his rank and file swains a big woody
There once was a POTUS so droll
He romped as a bad-tempered troll
His wet fat-cat semen
Spritzed stout as a demon
In bedwetting surged for lost souls
There once was a White House most raven
A cruel clacking cave for the craven
On Trump's isle of Moreau
Creatures gnarled head to toe
Extolled the brute's monster-mash haven
There once was a stormy debate
Egged on by the POTUS of hate
Fanning flames of disdain
He sparked deadly chicane
From his orb of orgastic complaint
There once was a POTUS so crass
He trolled from a vent in his ass
With loose humming lips
He hymned Let 'er Rip
Setting fire to Republican gas