Nose Diving

There once was a POTUS nosediving
In banzai of his own contriving
Plunging pecker half-hard
He dropped trou no holds barred
But crashed with no chance of surviving


There once was a vile POTUS whore
A strumpet who waged faithless war
Seeping slime like a snail
He breached big as a whale
Till the crud from his cunt washed ashore

Out of Time

There once was a Prez out of time
A boss of big touch-and-go crime
He dry humped the throne
Then went limp like Capone
With rot playing tricks on his mind

Made of Stone

There once was a Prez made of stone
Tossing bourgeoisie helots bare bone
He flogged ass with a grin
But his paydirt wore thin
With a rallying cry to dethrone


There once was a POTUS rejected
For cowardly fraud he perfected
He would cheat for the win
But free votes pulled the pin
On getting the crook reelected

Big Spender

There once was a POTUS big spender
A raunchy and reckless pretender
He burned backer riches
Like crack-whoring bitches
In spread-eagled fudge-packing splendor


There once was a POTUS whitewasher
A smoke-blowing bum-steering josher
He yanked on limp chains
In a swamp never drained
Going drag as a Bill of Rights quasher

Struck a Nerve

There once was a Prez struck a nerve
In denizens lost on the curve
With impeccable fury
Fueled by riotous worry
He shored up his Mein Kampf Reserve