
There once was a POTUS meltdown
As creepy as frowns on a clown
The old dolt got teed off
When the public dared scoff
At the sick sleazy cheat they had found

Long Gasping

There once was a POTUS long gasping
In the thin air of sin everlasting
Clad in daredevil's gear
He rained down pitchfork fear
Letting lickspittle gums do his flapping


There once was a Prez of whodunnit
Whose games ran the divisive gamut
With his no-holds-barred style
He slit throats with a smile
Blaming Dems for each GOP plummet

Far Gone

There once was a Prez so far gone
He used bat shit as lube for his dong
From a love-tunnel locker
He fell far off his rocker
While smoking his crack guano bong


There once was a crass loudmouthed POTUS
Whose feculence flew with fluxed focus
Dressed in emperor’s drag
He kept cats in the bag
Thinking none of his subjects would notice


There once was a Prez long ensnared
By fast ones he pulled without care
Yanking easy-mark chains
Left his greasy-palmed stains
On the gunk of Trump dingus despair

Sitting Chief

There once was a Trump sitting chief
Squatting grimly in comic relief
With a come and go case
Of fresh egg on his face
He posed as Commander in Grief


There once was a POTUS conflicted
By the words his own mouth contradicted
And an artful ad-libber
And fallacious fibber
He bitched with his butt cheeks constricted