Boss Baby

There once was a POTUS boss baby
A bantling of crusty-butt scabies
He suckled his weenie
Barefaced as a preemie
And came down with fussbucket rabies


There once was a Prez in disgrace
With secret-deal egg on his face
Squarely snared by the noose
He fled villainous truth
Flubbing con jobs all over the place

Shawshank Exemption

There once was a Shawshank exemption
For GOP goons of detention
With Trump as their warden
The plump meat pies poured in
Rock-hammered to varnish deception

Trash Talker

There once was a POTUS trash talker
A fly-by-night vapid street walker
As a self-serving whiz
Full of iced-over jizz
He bossed from his chilly meat locker


There once was a real POTUS charmer
Who cut a bum deal for the farmer
His fast-talking ham
And hard-selling glam
Adorned the bad actor with armor


There once was a Prez of delusion
A hoodooing hack of collusion
His black-magic potions
And combover lotions
Made flimflam his strongest illusion


There once was a Prez for the railers
In mad Ahab seas of white whalers
When his Pequod went down
He escaped off the helm
From a Moby Dick loophole for bailers

Smoking Gun

There once was a Trump smoking gun
So deep up the ass his dick spun
With prints on the trigger
The numbnut would shiver
The length of his dire four-year run