Foxy Daughter

There once was a foxy Trump daughter
Whose daddy led sheeples to slaughter
As a princess she cooed
But as devil child drooled
For wealth that made wicked mouths water

Shitting Bricks

There once was a Prez shitting bricks
For calumnies he could not fix
In fudge-packing sessions
Of turncoat transgressions
He wrecked the whole works just for kicks


There once was a POTUS outlaw
A scamp on his final last straw
As a lawless Paul Bunyan
And cold-blooded gunman
His con jobs came quick on the draw


There once was a Prez of dissention
Deep discord his keynote intention
Pitting left against right
He creamed hard with delight
In deals of raw anal retention

Dull Loonies

There once was a Prez for dull loonies
Thick hicks dwelling deep in the boonies
With brains made of mush
They rooted and gushed
For the smack of their ringmaster’s hooey

Goon Gambits

There once was a Prez of goon gambits
Who ran with a scab squad of bandits
His recreant pappies
Wore top-scarer nappies
Pantloaded on Mobster's Inc. planets

Would Be King

There once was a Prez would be king
A fat gangster rat of gauche bling
In a treehouse of crooks
He swung big meaty hooks
Consuming his gimps like The Thing

King Kong

There once was a Prez hanging on
By the skin of his VIP dong
He liked to pretend
He would win in the end
But he met the same fate as King Kong