Tough Titty

There once was a Prez of tough titty
Who fussed for the sake of self-pity
As a silver-spoon boomer
Bouncing blameless ill humor
He carped at inane nitty-gritty


There was was a Prez prone to drowning
In cesspools of fibs so astounding
Getting way out of line
He left clear tracks and sign
Of doublespeak all too confounding

Shake and Bake

There once was a Prez on the take
Who liked to burn schmoes at the stake
As a flame-throwing winner
Sousing stiffs in paint thinner
He gave them the old shake and bake

Drooling Demon

There once was a Trump drooling demon
Who gave girls the gift of his semen
With a snort and a sniffle
He launched pre-POTUS missile
From suites made for horny-dog heathen


There once was a POTUS Jim-dandy
A peeping-Tom hooked on eye candy
Snorting Adderall pills
Gave his blue balls cheap thrills
And made the horndog extra randy


There once was a POTUS brassbound
In the ways of an old Basset Hound
As a derring-do dog
Living high on the hog
He licked his fat chops with a frown


There once was a flush POTUS mole
With big Russian dicks up his hole
As a crass counterspy
Vladdy spunk in his eye
He sold out his own quisling soul

On the Edge

The once was a Prez on the edge
Of a monkey-see-monkey-do ledge
On a last ticket ride
With bag rats by his side
He flubbed with a flawed last-ditch wedge