Too Far
There once was a Prez went too far
In his bid to become a blue star
He tried vainly to morph
From a dim white hot dwarf
But his spectral class smoldered subpar
Lost His Mind
There once was a Prez lost his mind
Laying eggs of the Twilight Zone kind
To defend his debacle
He loosed flunkies full throttle
In the most wretched term of all time
No Qualms
There once was a Prez with no qualms
A creep who greased deal with palms
Like a pimp in the hood
He smacked snitches real good
Bitch-slapping the lot with his schlong
Scoring Wins
There once was a Prez scoring wins
On a soapbox of needles and pins
Every notch on his belt
Came from cards he had dealt
Deftly shuffled by tenebrous sins
No Shame
There once was a Prez with no shame
Who always had someone to blame
If he had second thoughts
They got quashed in the wash
Of a cad focused chiefly on fame
Full of Fury
There once was a Prez of the flurry
Whose ratings nosedived in a hurry
His old prime-time slot
Went quickly to pot
In pothers of belly-flopped fury
Melting Down
There once was a Prez melting down
From the chafe of his ne’er-do-well crown
The rallies he staged
In the name of white rage
Briefly kindled his tears of a clown
Tickled Pink
There once was a Prez tickled pink
By his acts as a traitorous fink
His fans thought it proper
For despots to prosper
But the rest wanted Trump in the clink