There once was a POTUS denier
Lighting p's and q's rashly on fire
As the Prez of pretend
He blew smoke to no end
With the chafe of a consummate liar
Close Shave
There once was a POTUS close shave
Breaking oaths nicked by razor-thin blades
As a matter of form
He took untruth by storm
In his kangaroo court run by knaves
There was a Prez set to plunder
The public’s entitlement thunder
He would cut to thin shreds
Medicare and cheap meds
Sending hard ups and have-nots asunder
There once was a Prez laying waste
Killing credo and good will with haste
How could one noxious man
Ream the forefathers’ plan
Of melting pot peace in one place
Scare Tactics
There once was a Prez of scare tactics
A bulldozing hack fully tackless
The buttholes he fisted
And arms that he twisted
Ached feebly from Trump prophylactics
There once was a Prez of his word
As sure as a fly on a turd
Although lacking in truth
He made lying more couth
In solo acts of the absurd
Dark Side
There once was a Prez of the dark side
A Snoke choked by madness a mile wide
As the leader supreme
In a lamebrained wet dream
He fingered the force with his false pride
On the Take
There once was a Prez on the take
Burning per diem schmoes at the stake
As a flame-throwing winner
He doused stiffs in paint thinner
And razed their remains with a rake