There once was a President Trump


​​​There once was a Prez know it all
An ace with his eye on the ball
The funk of his smarts
Like mute feisty farts
Ignited a nationwide brawl​​​


There once was a POTUS from Oz
A tin man long grasping at straws
His fib fest washed clean
Till Covid-19
When even the scarecrows gave pause

Wily Coyote

There once was a Prez less than wily
A coyote who chased his foes vilely
Like a cartoonish scamp
Chewing ass like a champ
He licked his wounds ever so slyly

Dead Air

There once was a Prez of dead air
In blackouts beyond all repair
He chined with precision
His watchdog excision
Of wrath on a wing and a prayer

The Hustle

There once was a Prez of the hustle
A faker who flipped for the tussle
The fraud rose to fame
On a lowdown blame game
Browning belts with his Buck's fascia muscle


There once was a Prez of pure gloss
Who suffered a pandemic loss
He buttered the asses
Of sitting-duck masses
With creamy white dictator's sauce


There once was a POTUS pretender
A charlatan repeat offender
As a playacting poser
And ham-it-up hoser
He reveled in spurious splendor

Plainly Slow

There once was a Prez plainly slow
A dunce playing dumb just for show
Trying hard to look clever
Proved a useless endeavor
For a clod clearly not in the know

Out to Lunch

There once was a Prez out to lunch
Rolling life and death dice on a hunch
Sitting safe on his keister
He served mass-murder Easter
A Jim Jones ciborium punch


There once was a Prez Frozen 2
An iceman who cometh unglued
He sculpted his palace
And bone-chilling phallus
With busts of himself in the nude


There once was a Prez of convulsion
A shitstain in need of expulsion
Like an odious phallus
Of gag-reflex malice
He fluxed his loose stools of revulsion


There once was a Prez of gainsaying
Whose pilotage proved so dismaying
His bellicose bearing
Tone-deaf and uncaring
Gave rise to a pandemic slaying

On the Skids

There once was a Prez on the skids
Giving rein to what fair play forbids
His baneful barrages
Like blitzkrieg collages
Gained speed under septic tank lids

Vicious Malicious

There once was a Prez plainly vicious
With the eyes of a crank most malicious
As their cut-throat of choice
He gave birdbrains a voice
In a cuckoo’s nest wholly pernicious


There once was a Prez who got dogged
Thence fittingly found out and flogged
Like a hole in the head
He made poor people dead
From leadership thoroughly slogged


There once was a POTUS of panic
At the helm of his hull-torn Titanic
Lacking fear of disgrace
He looked loss in the face
From a lifeboat codenamed The Satanic


There once was a POTUS uncredible
Who paltered keen crock undetectable
Until one awful day
On pandemic display
His whoppers flopped clearly untenable

Out for Blood

There once was a Prez out for blood
In the dog-eat-dog two-party mud
As a GOP mauler
In his chichi wolf collar
He bonked spaced-out skulls with a thud

Kicked, Licked, Tricked

There once was a Prez getting kicked
By a virus that had his ass licked
As a masked profiteer
Shedding counterfeit tears
He crowed at the sad sacks he tricked

Doggy Do

There once was a Prez who bucked WHO
Balls deep in the dank doggy do
Only those staying woke
Got the gibe in his joke
Of a pooch pathogenically screwed

Who Knew

There once was a Prez of who knew
With a lower-than-average IQ
As a Mouseketeer sage
Half a tot’s mental age
He brainstormed like Mr. Magoo


There once was a Prez spun a virus
In tweets his varlets found desirous
As their microbe-in-chief
Backing pathogen grief
He twerked like a crazed Miley Cyrus

At Large

There once was a POTUS at large
As noxious as sludge on a barge
At his dregs of command
Filthy dross stained the land
From the mucky curmudgeon in charge

Wet Dream

There once was a POTUS wet dream
A fuck fest much worse than it seemed
His green light to plunder
Tore Yankees asunder
In two-party dingaling cream


There once was a Prez liked to grumble
Who yammered to mask every stumble
As a fat faultless cat
Born a big blameless brat
His outrage came ready to rumble


There once was a Prez of castration
In the closed-casket roast of his nation
With a firebug’s flash
He torched truth into ash
Flaming on in mad flames of cremation


There once was a Prez liked to cheat
Stacking cards dealt to dodge his defeat
On a Red Russian binge
That made flag wavers cringe
He suckled on plump Putin teat


There once was a Prez of infection
With the biggest fat chance of detection
As the pandemic spread
Fans with bugs in their head
Glossed the tang of his balmy erection


There once was a POTUS named Trump
Just as grim as a cancerous lump
With the puslike success
Of a rectal abscess
He crapped gooey guile from his rump

The King

There once was a Prez would be king
Who strapped on a pint-size cock ring
He gagged with delight
His gimp mask pulled tight
On mouth balls of viscid bling-bling

Deep Water

There once was a Prez in deep water
Who led his own people to slaughter
The big dogs got plush
But sheep he would flush
Down drains of unfortunate fodder


There once was an untried Prez precedent
Of mudslinging mirth for the decadent
His brats of the corn
Cheered on for more scorn
From booby traps recklessly negligent


There once was a POTUS of vagaries
A capricious porker of fakeries
His lubricious words
Dropped ticklish turds
On droves of Orwellian peccaries

The Roman

There once was a Prez like a Roman
A rampaging flesh-peddling showman
From his emperor’s throne
Of bisellium stone
He skippered ram ships of ill omen


There once was a POTUS to pity
For his tweet down in Super Bowl city
Over rainbows long gone
The chief got it all wrong
Sending KC some pigskin tough titty

Game Changer

There once was POTUS game changer
A clear and ad hoc present danger
As a schismatic oaf
He pinched a cracked loaf
Like a dog in a pile-of-poo manger


There once was a Prez full of swagger
Who cut off cussed heads with a dagger
As the gray matter rolled
He aggrandized his fold
With terpitude sundered to stagger


There once was a Prez kleptocrat
Who thunk like a two-timing rat
A cool Judas kiss
And nose for gold bricks
Loomed large in his belfry of bats


There once was a Prez of acquittal
Who played his skin flute like a fiddle
Drawing bows meant for kings
He struck perfect-fifth strings
In lopsided notes lubed with spittle

Fey Nation

There once was a fey nation roiling
In partisan moats sadly soiling
With a new skip in town
They burned all bridges down
In a siege of republic recoiling


There once was a POTUS denier
Lighting p's and q's rashly on fire
As the Prez of pretend
He blew smoke to no end
With the chafe of a consummate liar

Close Shave

There once was a POTUS close shave
Breaking oaths nicked by razor-thin blades
As a matter of form
He took untruth by storm
In his kangaroo court run by knaves


There was a Prez set to plunder
The public’s entitlement thunder
He would cut to thin shreds
Medicare and cheap meds
Sending hard ups and have-nots asunder


There once was a Prez laying waste
Killing credo and good will with haste
How could one noxious man
Ream the forefathers’ plan
Of melting pot peace in one place

Scare Tactics

There once was a Prez of scare tactics
A bulldozing hack fully tackless
The buttholes he fisted
And arms that he twisted
Ached feebly from Trump prophylactics


There once was a Prez of his word
As sure as a fly on a turd
Although lacking in truth
He made lying more couth
In solo acts of the absurd

Dark Side

There once was a Prez of the dark side
A Snoke choked by madness a mile wide
As the leader supreme
In a lamebrained wet dream
He fingered the force with his false pride

On the Take

There once was a Prez on the take
Burning per diem schmoes at the stake
As a flame-throwing winner
He doused stiffs in paint thinner
And razed their remains with a rake

Get Off

There once was a Prez getting off
Ripping rivalrous ass with a scoff
Riding high on the hog
He cornholed like a dog
In trenchant and truculent troughs


There once was a POTUS grandstanding
A master of crowds less demanding
They oohed and they aahed
Their highflying god
En route to a nasty crash landing

Locked and Loaded

There once was a Prez locked and loaded
Who made mice of men plainly goaded
For the art of his spiel
He ate lamb every meal
Chawing fava beans fibs had eroded


There once was a POTUS backtracker
A backbiting backstabbing slacker
Like maggots chaw meats
They ate up his tweets
To hovel their moral code hacker

The Boot

There once was a Prez got the boot
For crimes he could not give a hoot
Using partisan graft
He gave one side the shaft
And dallied balls deep in the loot

Sham Trial

There once was sham POTUS trial
For a Prez in the wrong by a mile
Although guilty as sin
The old crook would still win
By a sly senatorial smile


There once was a Prez prone to puffing
A wolf cowing hogs with loud huffing
When he lied through his fangs
All his scared piglets sang
The praises of partisan roughing


There once was a Prez of vulgarity
A moot keystone cop of hilarity
His boorish Trump brand
Once shackled the land
In handcuffs of wicked disparity

The Juke

There once was a Prez of the juke
A skunk with the moves of a kook
Armed with Trump anal spray
He spread guile and foul play
With the stink of an ignoble fluke

Commander Dander

There once was an uncouth commander
A foul frothing Prez full of dander
Pinching tweets in his storm
He made trash talk the norm
And bowed to the credence of slander


There once was a Prez with a base
Of cliquishly warped anal cakes
Missing unctuous clues
In his serpentine ruse
They cheered with poop stains on their face


There once was a Prez high on speed
A crank-snorting war hawk indeed
The pep pills he crushed
Ground the country to dust
And haltered his Spanish fly greed


There once was a Prez of distortion
A cad of humongous proportion
Such fabulist spin
Of mendacious sin
Gave life to his bungled abortion


There once were some two-party duels
A joust held by partisan fools
Running first as an ass
Then a tusker third-class
Trump fisted his thick Dumbo tools


There once was a Prez dropping bricks
On hornswoggled meatmouths for kicks
To hustle their votes
He played them like dolts
In rat packs of GOP pricks


There once was a Prez prone to prattle
Raising Cain with a ruffianly rattle
How his firebrands bawled
As he quarreled and crawled
Like a cannibal festered in battle


There once was a crass POTUS rascal
As false as a smooth Eddie Haskell
His gift for sleek gab
Drove true hee-haws mad
For Trump's disfranchised debacle


There once was a Prez had ‘em suckered
At powwows where assholes got puckered
They raved at his rants
Lubed up for romance
Getting fucked in the butts until tuckered


There once was a POTUS so vile
His ass crack looked just like a smile
His politic cronies
And billionaire phonies
Hauled Trump to the top by a mile


There once was a mean POTUS bully
Who fashioned himself wild and woolly
His shoot ‘em up days
In the populist craze
Gave his rank and file swains a big woody


There once was a POTUS so droll
He romped as a bad-tempered troll
His wet fat-cat semen
Spritzed stout as a demon
In bedwetting surged for lost souls


There once was a White House most raven
A cruel clacking cave for the craven
On Trump's isle of Moreau
Creatures gnarled head to toe
Extolled the brute's monster-mash haven


There once was a stormy debate
Egged on by the POTUS of hate
Fanning flames of disdain
He sparked deadly chicane
From his orb of orgastic complaint


There once was a POTUS so crass
He trolled from a vent in his ass
With loose humming lips
He hymned Let 'er Rip
Setting fire to Republican gas

Liar Liar

There once was a lame POTUS liar
Who lit his own trousers on fire
With his fine tailored tongue
He spat faux pas far flung
Belching ballyhoos laced with barbed wire


There once was a Prez super slick
Who slapped the whole world with his dick
Roughing up free-press cock
Made him hard as a rock
And buttressed his top party trick

Reign of Terror

There once was a Trump reign of terror
From spooky electoral error
His mash-up of fright
Gave monsters delight
And goaded their number one scarer

Spoiled Child

There once was a spoiled POTUS child
Whose tantrums spun loco and wild
The hate in his words
Roused rabbles of turds
Stirring shitstorms of ethos defiled

King Fear

There once was a party of fear
Starring Trump as a stony King Lear
His grave-digging guile
And bogeyman style
Put his hit horror show in high gear


There once was a grim undead nation
Ruled by monsters of hellish creation
The chief ghoul of the land
Had by fiendish command
Brought to life his pure evil creation


There once was a rip-roaring ruler
Whose fans belted brew from his cooler
With waves of the hand
He stirred up the band
And snipped each lobotomized drooler


There once was a Stars and Stripes canker
Chapping hides with raw two-party rancor
As the cannibals clamored
Old Glory got hammered
By lesions of misled Trump wankers


There once was a POTUS so heinous
He mad-dogged fresh fibs from his anus
As a dirty old skunk
Pooping moist stinky junk
His peddled his tang to the brainless


There once was a fist-pumping POTUS
Who chewed up the land like a locust
His deft Kung Fu craze
Launched meine Führer ways
In hat tricks of pert hocus-pocus

Upper Crust

There once was a snug upper crust
Pounding serfs to praetorian dust
The carte blanche jet-setters
Had boors tarred and feathered
Whilst hollering in-Trump-we-trust

Blue Wave

There once was a massive blue wave
On the crest of high hopes it might save
But the swell petered out
On a whitecap of doubt
Making Trump the grand duke of his day


There once was a brash POTUS oaf
Who blatantly brushed off his oath
As a bombastic kaiser
With fans none the wiser
He pinched off a posh piddler's loaf


There once was a five-alarm blaze
Flaring up in a Donald Trump craze
At the core of the kindling
Burned a Hitleresque swindling
Of firebugs caught in the haze


There once was a messed up appointment
By the Prez of backroom anointment
His unguent of choice
Gave tossers a voice
In sinister deals of deployment


There once was a Donald Trump possum
As fictile as thistles in blossom
When it came to the law
It stuck deep in the craw
That his term underscored scant precaution


There once was a Hitler-in-training
In swamps that would never see draining
Like a judge to a jury
He lashed out with great fury
In tirades of Sieg Heil complaining


There once was a pack-of-lies despot
Who twisted his words without respite
As a tyrant in training
He vetoed swamp draining
To shore up the Donald Trump cesspit


There once was a Prez switch-a-roo
A fox who knew just what to do
As a Donkey he failed
But his Elephant sailed
On ears from the same-old-stripe zoo

Undead Nation

There once was a grim undead nation
Ruled by monsters of hellish creation
The top ghoul of the land
Howled such fiendish commands
It gave cause for his own deportation


There once was a POTUS of dread
Whose rage raised the land of the dead
His shuddersome rules
Spawned armies of ghouls
Hair-raisingly sick in the head


There once was a Sunshine State vote
That punched the left side in the throat
Getting tased by right spin
Gave Trump’s senate the win
But sank the enlightenment boat

Prince Pass

There once was a Saudi prince pass
By a Prez with blood oil up his ass
Lighting crude thobes on fire
He backed murder for hire
In the filthy rich case of sheik cash

Mas Power

There once was a Prez mad with power
Who forced his opposers to cower
Like a cold-blooded twist
In a poisonous mist
His dark side refreshed on the hour

Pee Showers

There once was a Prez of pee showers
Who sent himself chocolate and flowers
Sprucely coiffed and perfumed
His self-thankfulness bloomed
In the Me-Myself-I Trumpland Towers

Don Ripper

There once was a cutthroat Don Ripper
Who savagely stroked his big dipper
Growing hard with delight
He slashed foes left and right
Till his brass balls got caught the zipper

Joe Schmos

There once was a land of Joe Schmos
Getting bitch slapped under the nose
The claws in the cuffing
Of swampland rebuffing
Left prefrontal lobes in repose

Grifters Galore

There once were Trump grifters galore
Who got richer than ever before
With their pop at the top
They played shop till you drop
Owning every last dime in the store

Heat Missile

There once was a POTUS heat missile
A milk dud of dirty dismissal
His quick bull's-eyed darts
Nailed hole-in-one farts
As shrill as a backstabber's whistle


There once was a Prez of indictment
Wolfing dog-eat-dog treats of enticement
Ticking two-timing taps
He disowned the bad raps
In his dubious den of confinement

On the Run

There once was a Prez on the run
Tired out from the lies he had spun
In the Kremlin abyss
He kept taking a piss
Getting soaked by his Red water gun

Molotov Yankee

There once was a Molotov Yankee
Of Russian-roulette hanky-panky
He lobbed cocktail clunkers
From chill T-bomb bunkers
Inscribed with his name Mr. Cranky

Boss Baby

There once was a POTUS boss baby
A bantling of crusty-butt scabies
He suckled his weenie
Barefaced as a preemie
And came down with fussbucket rabies


There once was a Prez in disgrace
With secret-deal egg on his face
Squarely snared by the noose
He fled villainous truth
Flubbing con jobs all over the place

Shawshank Exemption

There once was a Shawshank exemption
For GOP goons of detention
With Trump as their warden
The plump meat pies poured in
Rock-hammered to varnish deception

Trash Talker

There once was a POTUS trash talker
A fly-by-night vapid street walker
As a self-serving whiz
Full of iced-over jizz
He bossed from his chilly meat locker


There once was a real POTUS charmer
Who cut a bum deal for the farmer
His fast-talking ham
And hard-selling glam
Adorned the bad actor with armor


There once was a Prez of delusion
A hoodooing hack of collusion
His black-magic potions
And combover lotions
Made flimflam his strongest illusion


There once was a Prez for the railers
In mad Ahab seas of white whalers
When his Pequod went down
He escaped off the helm
From a Moby Dick loophole for bailers

Smoking Gun

There once was a Trump smoking gun
So deep up the ass his dick spun
With prints on the trigger
The numbnut would shiver
The length of his dire four-year run

Tough Titty

There once was a Prez of tough titty
Who fussed for the sake of self-pity
As a silver-spoon boomer
Bouncing blameless ill humor
He carped at inane nitty-gritty


There was was a Prez prone to drowning
In cesspools of fibs so astounding
Getting way out of line
He left clear tracks and sign
Of doublespeak all too confounding

Shake and Bake

There once was a Prez on the take
Who liked to burn schmoes at the stake
As a flame-throwing winner
Sousing stiffs in paint thinner
He gave them the old shake and bake

Drooling Demon

There once was a Trump drooling demon
Who gave girls the gift of his semen
With a snort and a sniffle
He launched pre-POTUS missile
From suites made for horny-dog heathen


There once was a POTUS Jim-dandy
A peeping-Tom hooked on eye candy
Snorting Adderall pills
Gave his blue balls cheap thrills
And made the horndog extra randy


There once was a POTUS brassbound
In the ways of an old Basset Hound
As a derring-do dog
Living high on the hog
He licked his fat chops with a frown


There once was a flush POTUS mole
With big Russian dicks up his hole
As a crass counterspy
Vladdy spunk in his eye
He sold out his own quisling soul

On the Edge

The once was a Prez on the edge
Of a monkey-see-monkey-do ledge
On a last ticket ride
With bag rats by his side
He flubbed with a flawed last-ditch wedge


There once was a POTUS meltdown
As creepy as frowns on a clown
The old dolt got teed off
When the public dared scoff
At the sick sleazy cheat they had found

Long Gasping

There once was a POTUS long gasping
In the thin air of sin everlasting
Clad in daredevil's gear
He rained down pitchfork fear
Letting lickspittle gums do his flapping


There once was a Prez of whodunnit
Whose games ran the divisive gamut
With his no-holds-barred style
He slit throats with a smile
Blaming Dems for each GOP plummet

Far Gone

There once was a Prez so far gone
He used bat shit as lube for his dong
From a love-tunnel locker
He fell far off his rocker
While smoking his crack guano bong


There once was a crass loudmouthed POTUS
Whose feculence flew with fluxed focus
Dressed in emperor’s drag
He kept cats in the bag
Thinking none of his subjects would notice


There once was a Prez long ensnared
By fast ones he pulled without care
Yanking easy-mark chains
Left his greasy-palmed stains
On the gunk of Trump dingus despair

Sitting Chief

There once was a Trump sitting chief
Squatting grimly in comic relief
With a come and go case
Of fresh egg on his face
He posed as Commander in Grief


There once was a POTUS conflicted
By the words his own mouth contradicted
And an artful ad-libber
And fallacious fibber
He bitched with his butt cheeks constricted

Nightmarish Reign

There once was a nightmarish reign
By a mobster who’d long gone insane
Rolling dice fast and loose
He ran wild in the roost
Then fell down his short one-term drain


There once was a clear POTUS flop
Filling fans with his smooth creamy slop
As their ratings-war king
With “you’re fired” boob-tube bling
They chug-a-lugged every last drop

News Flashes

There once were god-awful news flashes
Of GOP-Democrat clashes
Such an old party trick
Let the Don dip his wick
In the shanks of Joe Schmoes paying taxes

On the Ropes

There once was a Prez on the ropes
In a bout billed the Trump soak-a-dope
His below-the-belt hooks
Cushioned cover-up crooks
But the switch-hitting brawler got smoked

News-Trolling Nation

There once was a news-trolling nation
Of curs hooked on sharp confrontation
Their crescendo of jeers
Fell on flat tone-deaf ears
In an opus of combat cremation

Daunting Reality

There once was a daunting reality
Of a tragic Trump two-term fatality
Such a morbid conception
Laid bare an infection
Of round-the-bend voter calamity

Despicable Don

There once was despicable Don
A king with a hard-on for pawns
Every clandestine move
In the emperor’s groove
Augured gags for his deep-throating throng

Rule of the Masters

There once was a Prez of disasters
Who packed sour notes to the rafters
Bred with ice in his veins
He yanked one-sided chains
Making firm Chomsky's rule of the masters

From the Tube

There once was a boss from the tube
Who slathered his slander with lube
With cold cocksure babble
He jerked off the rabble
Turning fans into hoi polloi fools

On the Loose

There once was a Prez on the loose
A cannon who cooked his own goose
Shifty Sharpie in hand
He lampooned his own brand
Flaugin bunk from his dirty caboose

Off the Rails

There once was a Prez off the rails
On sinking ships torn from their sails
At the helm of the craft
Stood a skipper so daft
He patched up the bildge pumps with nails


There once was a Prez of canards
Who dealt from a stacked deck of cards
With his villainous plan
He enveloped the land
Sending feces with heinous regards


There once was a Prez roughly yanked
When tripe from his mouth tartly tanked
On his way out the door
He pulled down his silk drawers
And got himself thoroughly spanked

Playing God

There once was a Prez playing god
With the psyche of a crazed clumsy clod
His fan base of freaks
Licked the crack on his cheeks
And snowballed his satanic wad

Orange Deluder

There once was an orange deluder
A sneaky and savage intruder
From wild cowboy eyes
Flashed simian lies
Shot straight from his POTUS six-shooter

Mess of a Leader

There once was a mess of a leader
Who ruled the whole world with his peter
When the cold conman Trump
Waved his limp little stump
It made small dick jokes even sweeter


There once was a Prez poised to tumble
For high crimes and proneness to rumble
Just like Mr. Magoo
With a blind spot or two
He fingered himself with each stumble

Under Fire

There once was a Prez under fire
For being a big old fat liar
He would hog-tie his mother
For the truth it might smother
And shred her to bones in the brier

Mean Tweets

There once was a Prez of mean tweets
A crosspatch in razor-sharp cleats
And with each toxic kick
The blood rushed to his dick
Sending chills to the nips of his teats

Near the End

There once was a Prez near the end
An also-ran playing pretend
His failed re-election
Insured no protection
From the oath he would never defend

Pure Fiction

There once was a Prez of pure fiction
A wildcat of true dereliction
His sense of no shame
And bias to blame
Made him Scar-like in every depiction

Chumming Sharks

There once was a Prez who chummed sharks
In frenzies of fly-by-night larks
With barb-baited swill
He lured his glazed shill
To the bowels of insular arks

Beyond Hope

There once was a Prez beyond hope
A dazed and confused misanthrope
Like a doomed General Custer
Riding high on blank bluster
He charged up his down periscope

Right Back

There once was a Prez bounced right back
With a mean chicken-livered attack
When it came to defeat
He jumped fast to his feet
Urping jive as a matter of fact

So Amiss

There once was a Prez so amiss
He tore his own country to bits
With the look on his face
And the wayward disgrace
Of beastly kings taking a piss


There once was a Prez of commotion
The People’s King Tut of promotion
He zigged and he zagged
My what big teeth he had
To erase you just like an abortion

Going Down

There once was a Prez going down
For sins of such hellish renown
He played dirty pool
Nads spattered in stool
On his romps as the consummate clown

Pure Greed

There once was a Prez of pure greed
A scamp of the sandbaggers' creed
His shit-eating grin
And flair for sheer sin
Plied slick as a lubed anal bead

Under Siege

There once was a Prez under siege
For traitorous tricks up the sleeve
His self-admiration
For gross fabrication
Made facing the truth a pet peeve

Beyond Crass

There once was a Prez beyond crass
With tyrants balls deep up his ass
The guile from those jaws
Broke upstanding laws
In salvos of genocide gas

Throwing Shade

There once was a Prez throwing shade
At oaths he had wrongly betrayed
With piss-poor commanding
And brash bad-boy branding
He zapped his own hand-picked brigade

Getting Blown

There once was a Prez getting blown
By whistles he biffed on his phone
Flapping spurious gums
He struck bad deals with bums
In quid-pro-quo trysts of deep cone

Foxy Daughter

There once was a foxy Trump daughter
Whose daddy led sheeples to slaughter
As a princess she cooed
But as devil child drooled
For wealth that made wicked mouths water

Shitting Bricks

There once was a Prez shitting bricks
For calumnies he could not fix
In fudge-packing sessions
Of turncoat transgressions
He wrecked the whole works just for kicks


There once was a POTUS outlaw
A scamp on his final last straw
As a lawless Paul Bunyan
And cold-blooded gunman
His con jobs came quick on the draw


There once was a Prez of dissention
Deep discord his keynote intention
Pitting left against right
He creamed hard with delight
In deals of raw anal retention

Dull Loonies

There once was a Prez for dull loonies
Thick hicks dwelling deep in the boonies
With brains made of mush
They rooted and gushed
For the smack of their ringmaster’s hooey

Goon Gambits

There once was a Prez of goon gambits
Who ran with a scab squad of bandits
His recreant pappies
Wore top-scarer nappies
Pantloaded on Mobster's Inc. planets

Would Be King

There once was a Prez would be king
A fat gangster rat of gauche bling
In a treehouse of crooks
He swung big meaty hooks
Consuming his gimps like The Thing

King Kong

There once was a Prez hanging on
By the skin of his VIP dong
He liked to pretend
He would win in the end
But he met the same fate as King Kong

Powder Keg

There was was a Prez powder keg
A fuse on its final last leg
With the boss baby blues
And not one thing to lose
He blew up like a rotten bad egg

Losing Steam

There once was a Prez losing steam
On the heels of his racist regime
He could swung a great deal
On some cheap hot-rolled steel
But brass tacks put an end to his scheme

The Hoax

There once was a Prez of the hoax
So foul it made chickenshits choke
His nose for deflection
Commoved his erection
For the lies his campaign falsely coaxed

Had it Comin'

There once was a Prez had it comin'
For deep quid-pro-quo chugaluggin'
But wails from his loons
In tremelo swoons
Stopped the dumb double-dealer from runnin'


There once was a Prez had a base
Of jackoffs with jizz on their face
Though blinded by splooge
They stuck by their stooge
Through far and wide spurts of disgrace

Shit Rocked

There once was a Prez who got mocked
For running the country half-cocked
Peddling poppycock poop
At least half flew the coop
But stalwarts still thought his shit rocked


There once was a Prez liked to cheat
Which made the mean mutt tough to beat
As a partisan cur
Of the twinkle-toed slur
He dished out his choice doggy treats


There once was a Prez of division
Cleaving libs and hayseeds with precision
His inane one-track mind
Swung an axe born to grind
On the merits of class circumcision

Rolling Dice

There once was a Prez rolling dice
A chieftain of crap-shooting vice
His all-in excretion
Of BM completion
Turned taxpayers into blind mice

Splitting Sides

There once was a a Prez splitting sides
With squalls of bipartisan tides
Giving good form a rest
He put Yanks to the test
From his war room of rule and divide


There once was a Prez getting pinched
In the great hallowed halls he once cinched
Such a droll wooden nickel
Put his tribe in a pickle
For the wraiths of a chief duly lynched

On the Take

There once was a Prez on the take
Whose crafty shell game took the cake
His trademark Trump icing
Though rich and enticing
Gave skeptics a bad bellyache

Lookin' Old

There once was a Prez lookin' old
Somewhat somber, rotund, and less bold
Whipping ass at his age
Meant the anger still raged
From a childhood of fatherless gold

Down Swingin'

There once was a Prez went down swingin'
Screaming loud as the fat lady singin'
He told tales till the fall
Of his last curtain call
When for-whom-the-bell-tolls started ringin'

Born to Chum

There once was a Prez born to chum
Plucking silver harpoons form his bum
His bilge-water rise
On a dead sea of lies
Cast him down with the rock-bottom scum

Got the Boot

There once was a Prez got the boot
When he outed himself as a brute
With his library shuttered
And legacy smothered
He scrammed like a dog on the scoot

Too Far

There once was a Prez went too far
In his bid to become a blue star
He tried vainly to morph
From a dim white hot dwarf
But his spectral class smoldered subpar

Lost His Mind

There once was a Prez lost his mind
Laying eggs of the Twilight Zone kind
To defend his debacle
He loosed flunkies full throttle
In the most wretched term of all time

No Qualms

There once was a Prez with no qualms
A creep who greased deal with palms
Like a pimp in the hood
He smacked snitches real good
Bitch-slapping the lot with his schlong

Scoring Wins

There once was a Prez scoring wins
On a soapbox of needles and pins
Every notch on his belt
Came from cards he had dealt
Deftly shuffled by tenebrous sins

No Shame

There once was a Prez with no shame
Who always had someone to blame
If he had second thoughts
They got quashed in the wash
Of a cad focused chiefly on fame

Full of Fury

There once was a Prez of the flurry
Whose ratings nosedived in a hurry
His old prime-time slot
Went quickly to pot
In pothers of belly-flopped fury

Melting Down

There once was a Prez melting down
From the chafe of his ne’er-do-well crown
The rallies he staged
In the name of white rage
Briefly kindled his tears of a clown

Tickled Pink

There once was a Prez tickled pink
By his acts as a traitorous fink
His fans thought it proper
For despots to prosper
But the rest wanted Trump in the clink


There once was a Prez who got booed
By hardball fans not in the mood
The point of their jeers
Jabbing deaf slimeball ears
Clocked the pitch of a nation unglued


There once was a Prez of impeachment
Fending blowback for what-a-dick treatment
Such a fine FUBAR mess
For a creep who cared less
In his war of home-grown disagreement


There once was a Prez who got kicked
By head counts of taxpayers he dicked
When he whiffed on two terms
All the GOP worms
Wiggled out of the ass they had licked

Bad Speller

There once was a POTUS bad speller
Whose chitter became a bestseller
As a writer he flopped
But his words never stopped
Droning on like a puerile propeller

Out of Gas

There once was a Prez out of gas
A clunker with lead in his ass
Flagging checkered disgrace
He revved up for the race
But the junk in his trunk made him crash

Beyond Reach

There once was a Prez beyond reach
A king who could not be impeached
The clout in his name
Sired from trite TV fame
Sucked the air out of oaths he had breached

The Blurt

There once was a Prez of the blurt
A dunce who dug up his own dirt
The mass of his trap
And bulk of his crap
Made it hard for his ass not to squirt

The Hoax

There once was a Prez of the hoax
Who fooled some real chicken-shit folks
His nose for deflection
Commoved his erection
For bums only bullshit could coax

Sitting Pretty

There once was a Prez sitting pretty
His ass-eating grin sharply shitty
Fixed by favors he bought
The two terms that he sought
Set the stage for a king without pity

Looking Savage

There once was a Prez looking savage
With eyes dark as dolls he had ravaged
In his weak little mind
He played Jekyll and Hyde
As commander-in-chief of the damaged


There once was a Prez who got schooled
By judges who checked how he ruled
Lacking kangaroo courts
In his carte blanche of torts
Fragmented the Reich he had tooled

Raw Schism

There once was a Prez of raw schism
Who drenched his opponents in jism
As a phat jizzle brat
Soaking avant-garde rat
His money shots splat nihilism


There once was a Prez oddly thumbing
His nose at sound rules unbecoming
Making law look insane
He chased total free rein
In orbs where big dogs did the slumming

Highly Tainted

There once was a Prez highly tainted
For average-Joe acts falsely painted
As a stick in the mud
Slinging silver-spoon crud
He bun-surfed his foes till they fainted

Rug Rat

There once was a Prez like a rug rat
A spit-fisted whiner in combat
Back in baby boss school
He had learned but two rules
Cheat well and dispose of the doormats

Full of Crock

There once was a Prez full of crock
A mad mangling clown who could talk
As the real Pennywise
Grinning wide in disguise
He outlined his crime scenes in chalk


There once was a Prez of the freeze
Pulling rank any way that he pleased
With a wink and a lie
He made eye for an eye
His signature tit-for-tat squeeze

Born to Rattle

There once was a Prez born to rattle
Coiled stiffly and ready for battle
With the wits of a tyke
But a diamondback's strike
His venom spread poisonous prattle

A Turd

There once was a Prez like a turd
At the top of a pile so absurd
We should have all known
In the truth-free Trump zone
Rule of law would become less preferred


There once was a Prez of division
Who made one pernicious incision
He contrived his attack
Like a surgical quack
With divide and then conquer precision

Sitting Duck

There once was a Prez sitting duck
A bird of prey shit out of luck
With his briefs in a twist
He looked constantly pissed
His balls flapping free in the muck


There once was a POTUS of sneering
At patriots shell-shocked and tearing
His full faithless measure
Of bad-mouthing pleasure
Kept every last sicko fan cheering

Just Like You

There once was a Prez just like you
With plenty of pooches to screw
All too famously bad
My what big balls he had
In baroque and beastly plain view

Knew Nothing

There once was a Prez who knew nothing
A klutz dodging truth without blushing
As a mum Sergeant Shultz
He furtively waltzed
To the beat of dead air darkly gushing

Frozen 2

There once a Prez Frozen 2
An iceman who cameth unglued
He sculpted his haven
In whiteouts most craven
With busts of himself in the nude

Having Fun

There once was a Prez having fun
A line-of-fire prick on the run
Looking for his next meal
How a sous chef might feel
Who skinned and panfried everyone


There once was a Prez of the smear
A mudslinging fuck stick of fear
Going apeshit on cue
How his feculence flew
As he tromped into heil Hitler gear

One More Day

There once was a Prez on his way
To his victory lap buffet
Mountebanks slitting throats
Made the race all too close
Putting justness to rest one more day

In the Ring

There once was a Prez in the ring
Who packed a sharp sack-tapping sting
This heavyweight brawler
With moves like a mauler
Struck far below belt on each swing


There once was a Prez of discord
A master at rousing the horde
How blindly they pointed
To crown their anointed
The G.I. Joe AWOL warlord


There once was a Prez of bullseyes
A cutthroat in mogul's disguise
In his Hollywood show
He tossed darts like a pro
Hitting targets that gave him a rise

For the Suckered

There once was a Prez for those suckered
With unctuous lips fully puckered
They stood by his side
Fuming partisan pride
Their ass-licking tongues all but tuckered

Laughing Stock

There once was a Prez laughing stock
A clown breaking bad round the clock
For his tommyrot dance
Bozo pooped down his pants
Then pulled out his doo-doo-stained cock


There once was a Prez of inflictions
A gascon of self-contradictions
His deplorables drooled
For hissy fits ruled
By abracadabra conniptions

Bad Turns

There once was a Prez of bad turns
Dispensing the worst kind of burns
Hs nerve-ending waste
In fourth-degree haste
Gave lame-brains the least of concerns


There once was a Prez had ‘em fooled
A loadstone for dunces who drooled
Riding high on his tumbrel
They roared for the rumble
Of turbofan fury uncooled

The Roast

There once was a Prez of the roast
Who stirred hateful shit coast to coast
His flotsam of words
Like rancorous turds
Assuaged vulgar asswipes the most

A Fine Mess

There once was a fine POTUS mess
A fell stroke of fate more or less
In the palm of his hands
His lobotomized fans
Got shredded in prefrontal chess

Broke the Rules

There once was Prez broke the rules
A scofflaw with nothing to lose
While shaking his ass
He sacked the mid-class
Fooled again by the two-party ruse


There once was a Prez of the tussle
A blitzkrieging brute born to bustle
Rolling howitzer style
He expunged with a smile
The haggard remains of his hustle


There once was a Prez MCP
As go-as-you-please as can be
With a flash in the pan
He put oink in the can
Setting all of his cob rollers free

Trump Minor

There once was a Don J. Trump minor
A scummy pretentious maligner
The Jr. they christened
So slimy he glistened
From sap of the silver-spooned whiner


There once was a Prez getting pumped
By ding-dongs who loved how he humped
His rise to the top
Turned out a big flop
Leaving frottage fans notably stumped


There once was a Prez poised for losing
Going down in the flames of his choosing
He riled up a base
But fell on his face
In the books of historical musing

Free Falling

There once was a POTUS free falling
From leadership highly appalling
His deadly defiance
Of cosmic compliance
Made stiffs bear the brunt of his mauling

Trash Talker

There once was a POTUS trash-talker
A fractious and scurrilous squawker
Treating others like dirt
Got the jerk just deserts
As a cold-blooded pandemic stalker

Horror Shows

There once were some Prez horror shows
Putting tags on macabre big toes
While his nevermore germ
Hushed the telltale infirm
He napped between rapped quid pro quos


There once was a Prez grooming killers
Sending plain decent folks to the chillers
His hit-and-run legion
Of thugs without reason
Laid to waste civic comme il faut pillars

Turned to Gold

There once was a Prez turned to gold
His stinking and shambolic load
He ran wild in the roost
Like a dullard seduced
By the lies only he could have told

Loose Change

There once was a POTUS of strange
A cutthroat completely deranged
Working out of his home
In the grim Trumper Dome
He flipped like a pile of loose change

Full of Fury

There once was a Prez full of fury
A go-getter prone to the scurry
His eyes told the story
Of curdled self-glory
And bigwigs are beyond bootless worry

Losing Polls

There once was a Prez losing polls
Getting raked over out-to-lunch coals
His masterful strokes
Once fooled a few folks
But that's how pallucidness rolls


There once was a POTUS of rage
A whelp never coming of age
Stropping claws set on treason
He picked fights for no reason
As lone as wolves loosed from their cage


There once was a Prez of vexed flunkies
A tribe of desensitized junkies
They vocalized loudly
And chest-pounded proudly
As rabid as teeth-baring monkeys


There once was a Prez of misfeasance
A goldbricker gutted by grievance
Hellbent on hell raising
He governed guns blazing
In fits of harebrained inconvenience

The Hissy

There once was a Prez of the hissy
A loudmouth most raucously prissy
Belching sarcastic wit
He stirred up hawkish shit
With the recreant heart of sissy


There once was a POTUS poltroon
A dastardly gutless buffoon
In his white-livered bunker
The old fraidy-cat hunkered
As yellow as cheese on the moon

Bunker Boy

There once was a Prez bunker boy
A chicken heart born to destroy
Transfixed on predation
He fazed his own nation
With orders to seek and destroy

A Bible

There once was a Prez propping bibles
Whence turning a photo op tribal
But before the bulbs flashed
He cast forth some tear gas
To fire up his flipped out disciples

Most Audacious

There once was a Prez most audacious
So barefaced and bluntly fallacious
Like a madcap King Lear
He sicced guards in full gear
On protesters branded ungracious


There once was a Prez of disorder
A loaded and lawless trench mortar
He shattered the land
Bad blood on his hands
And showed even friendlies no quarter


There once was a POTUS fiasco
A deadly debacle de facto
With his ass in a sling
He put sloth in full swing
Frying fish in a bloody barbasco

For the Ages

There once was a Prez for the ages
Who rattled the Mastodon cages
For his last tour de force
As a beaten dead horse
He spearheaded statehouse rampages


There once was a POTUS of scathing
A land he could not see worth saving
His gift for corrosion
Propelled prime erosion
In heaves of divisible hating

Nose Diving

There once was a POTUS nosediving
In banzai of his own contriving
Plunging pecker half-hard
He dropped trou no holds barred
But crashed with no chance of surviving


There once was a vile POTUS whore
A strumpet who waged faithless war
Seeping slime like a snail
He breached big as a whale
Till the crud from his cunt washed ashore

Out of Time

There once was a Prez out of time
A boss of big touch-and-go crime
He dry humped the throne
Then went limp like Capone
With rot playing tricks on his mind

Made of Stone

There once was a Prez made of stone
Tossing bourgeoisie helots bare bone
He flogged ass with a grin
But his paydirt wore thin
With a rallying cry to dethrone


There once was a POTUS rejected
For cowardly fraud he perfected
He would cheat for the win
But free votes pulled the pin
On getting the crook reelected

Big Spender

There once was a POTUS big spender
A raunchy and reckless pretender
He burned backer riches
Like crack-whoring bitches
In spread-eagled fudge-packing splendor


There once was a POTUS whitewasher
A smoke-blowing bum-steering josher
He yanked on limp chains
In a swamp never drained
Going drag as a Bill of Rights quasher

Struck a Nerve

There once was a Prez struck a nerve
In denizens lost on the curve
With impeccable fury
Fueled by riotous worry
He shored up his Mein Kampf Reserve